Leading Through Disruption:

Supply Chain in Crisis

Free Trial Course

Leading Through Disruption: Supply Chain in Crisis

Thursday, Dec 10 | 6-8:00 PM CDT

In the age of digital information and instant gratification, companies often live and die by their ability to meet the demand (and expected timeline) of their products and services.

As the pandemic unfolds, it has become even more apparent that no company is immune to outside events or influences so it is vital to understand how you can manage your company’s supply chain to mitigate disruption and lead your organization through crisis.

This two hour mini-course will provide you the opportunity to learn from Lake Forest Business Leader Faculty with senior-level leadership expertise and specific focus on supply chain management. Through the use of real-world examples of supply chain disruption, you will discuss actions that can be taken to mitigate interruptions and lessons learned from missteps.

Join the course prepared to discuss, learn and interact with other professionals who share curiosity and interest in pursuing excellence in their role as it relates to their company’s global supply chain.

More on Lake Forest Graduate School of Management
Get started any term with your Global Supply Chain Graduate Certificate!

Lake Forest Graduate School is offering a graduate certificate for working professionals looking to expand their understanding of supply chain management from product development through current logistics technology. This program is ideal for people looking to lead and play a pivotal role  in their organization’s supply chain. All industries will be covered within the curriculum. Download a one-page fact sheet here.

Business Leader Faculty Bio:

Rory Welch, Former President and CEO of ArcMail, which offers clients file sharing and data archiving solutions. Rory has held multiple executive leadership roles with repeated success maximizing sales revenue, optimizing cross-functional business capabilities and establishing key strategic alliances.



Todd Brockway, Division President at Medline Industries, a global company which manufactures and distributes medical supplies. Todd has extensive experience in healthcare, retail, technology and fitness industries, and has a track record for delivering value through innovative strategies and execution on a global level. 

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Key learning objectives:

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